lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Vocabulary and Structures Unit 1st Level 6th


School subjects:
English: Inglés
Science: Ciencias
Maths: Matemáticas
Geography: Geografía
History: Historia
Spanish: Español
Art: Plástica
Music: Música
PE: Educación Física
IT: Informática

Leisure activities:
Skiing: esquiar
Skateboarding: montar en monopatín
Chatting on the messenger: chatear en el messenger
Meeting friends: encontrarse con amigos
Dancing: bailar
Drawing: dibujar
Shopping: Comprar.

Friendly: amigable
Patient: paciente
Helpful: ayudable
Generous: generoso
Bossy: mandón
Forgetful: olvidadizo
Boring: aburrido
Bad-tempered: malhumorado.

Gramatical Structures:

Subject + verb / verb(s) + complement.
Subject + do / does + not + verb + complement.
Do / Does + subject + verb + complement + ?
Subject + am / is / are + (not) + complement.
Subject + have / has + (not) + got +complement.
Like / not like - Be / not be good at + noun or gerund.

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